System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Name Default message text
Current message text
vector-action-protect (talk) (Translate) Protect
vector-action-toggle-sidebar (talk) (Translate) Toggle sidebar
vector-action-undelete (talk) (Translate) Undelete
vector-action-unprotect (talk) (Translate) Change protection
vector-anon-user-menu-pages (talk) (Translate) Pages for logged out editors
vector-anon-user-menu-pages-label (talk) (Translate) Learn more about editing
vector-anon-user-menu-pages-learn (talk) (Translate) learn more
vector-client-preferences (talk) (Translate) Reading settings
vector-feature-custom-font-size-disabled-label (talk) (Translate) Small
vector-feature-custom-font-size-enabled-label (talk) (Translate) Standard
vector-feature-custom-font-size-name (talk) (Translate) Type size
vector-feature-limited-width-0-label (talk) (Translate) Full width
vector-feature-limited-width-1-label (talk) (Translate) Limited width
vector-feature-limited-width-name (talk) (Translate) Column width
vector-intro-page (talk) (Translate) Help:Introduction
vector-jumptocontent (talk) (Translate) Jump to content
vector-jumptonavigation (talk) (Translate) Jump to navigation
vector-jumptosearch (talk) (Translate) Jump to search
vector-language-button-aria-label (talk) (Translate) Go to an article in another language. Available in {{PLURAL:$1|$1 language|$1 languages}}
vector-language-button-label (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 language|$1 languages}}
vector-language-redirect-to-top (talk) (Translate) Language links are at the top of the page across from the title.
vector-language-variant-switcher-label (talk) (Translate) Change language variant
vector-languages (talk) (Translate) Languages
vector-limited-width-toggle (talk) (Translate) Toggle limited content width
vector-limited-width-toggle-off-popup (talk) (Translate) You can toggle between a limited width and full width by clicking this button.
vector-limited-width-toggle-on-popup (talk) (Translate) You have switched your layout to full width. To go back to limited width, press this button.
vector-main-menu-label (talk) (Translate) Main menu
vector-main-menu-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Main menu
vector-main-menu-unpinned-popup (talk) (Translate) The main menu has been moved here.
vector-more-actions (talk) (Translate) More
vector-no-language-button-aria-label (talk) (Translate) This article exist only in this language. Add the article for other languages
vector-no-language-button-label (talk) (Translate) Add languages
vector-opt-out (talk) (Translate) Switch to old look
vector-opt-out-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Change your settings to go back to the old look of the skin (legacy Vector)
vector-page-tools-actions-label (talk) (Translate) Actions
vector-page-tools-general-label (talk) (Translate) General
vector-page-tools-label (talk) (Translate) Tools
vector-page-tools-nav-label (talk) (Translate) Page tools
vector-page-tools-unpinned-popup (talk) (Translate) The tools menu has been moved here.
vector-pin-element-label (talk) (Translate) move to sidebar
vector-prefs-limited-width (talk) (Translate) Enable limited width mode
vector-prefs-limited-width-help (talk) (Translate) Enable limited width mode for improved reading experience.
vector-readability-survey-description (talk) (Translate) How does the text on Wikipedia look best for you? Use the sliders below to adjust the appearance. Learn more about the [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Reading/Web/Accessibility for reading|Accessibility for reading project]].
vector-readability-survey-fontSize (talk) (Translate) Font size
vector-readability-survey-lineHeight (talk) (Translate) Line height
vector-readability-survey-optout (talk) (Translate) Press continue to send us your design and publish your feedback on the next page. [[#close-vector-survey|Remove this tool]].
vector-readability-survey-paragraphSpacing (talk) (Translate) Paragraph spacing
vector-readability-survey-randomize (talk) (Translate) randomize
vector-readability-survey-reset (talk) (Translate) reset
vector-readability-survey-share (talk) (Translate) continue
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